Stressed Teens Mindfulness for Student Athletes Online Program for Coaches, Parents, and Professionals


SPRING Schedule 2020


APRIL 29th – JUNE 3RD, 2020


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Weekly Live Class Dates and Times:

To View LIVE Each Week. 

1.5 Hours Per Week (15 Hours of Instruction)

  • Live Class 1:April 29th, 2020 430-6 PM PT

  • Live Class 2: May 6th, 2020 430-6 PM PT

  • Live Class 3: May 13th, 2020 430-6 PM PT

  • Live Class 4: May 20th, 2020 430-6PM PT

  • Live Class 5: May 27th, 2020 430-6 PM PT

  • Live Class 6: June 3rd, 2020 430-6 PM PT

Weekly Pre-Recorded Course Content and Education: 

1.0 Hours Per Week (6 Hours of Instruction) 

All course times are listed in Pacific Time


Weekly Session Content includes:

Session Purpose and Intentions

Focused Learning Objectives and Session Summaries

Key Mindfulness Principles and Practices

Coach & Student Athlete Mindful Game Time Takeaways

Key Student Athlete-Specific Exercises and Interventions

PowerPoint Slides and Guided Practices

On-Your-Own Practices (OYOPs): suggested and optional

Some of the Topics to be Discussed in the Sessions:

Week 1: Foundational Skills for a Mindful Athlete, Coach, and Parent or Professional: 

What is a Mindful Athlete?, Introduction to Mindfulness, The Psychology of Flow—how get and stay in the Zone, Exploring the Effects of Stress on Athletes, The 2B-SET Model of Awareness, and the Keys to Creating a Winning Attitude

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Week 2: Opening Your Sport Senses—Enhancing Sensory Awareness with your Athletes: 

Sport sensory awareness, Visual Anchor Points, CPR for Choke Prevention, Research into mindfulness and its use with athletes/sports teams, Beginning a personal mindfulness practice

Week 3: Boosting Your Body and Breath—Enhancing Physical Awareness, Stamina, and Agility: 

Body Scan, Mindful Stretching and Routines, Mindfully Walking the Lines, 3-Second Rule, Breathing Through Difficult Moments, Grounding Anchors

Week 4: Minding Your Mind—Mental Awareness Training:

Increasing Mental Toughness, Heightening Mental Preparation, Routines, Concentration, and Acuity, Visualizing Sport Performance, Mental Relaxation and Anxiety Reduction Tools

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Week 5: Emotional Mastery and Developing a Confident Athlete: 

Utilizing Positive Coping Strategies & Behaviors to better manage the athlete’s life, Athlete & Coach Self-Care, Tracking Sports Performance, Positive and Negative Mantras, The 5 G’s, Embracing the Uncomfortable

Week 6: Instilling Mindfulness and Positivity with your Athletes/Teams: 

The Positive and Nurturing Coach, Helping athletes Manage and Break through Pain, The Philosophy of Making Your Last Shot, Facilitating awareness of positive experiences and pleasant moments, Making mindfulness a continuing part of life on and off the athletic field